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(and Rust)
### Andres Rios Tascon RSE Group Meeting. Jan 22nd, 2025
### What is WASM? WebAssembly (abbreviated WASM) is a binary instruction format for a (stack-based) virtual machine. You could think of it as something like Java, but taylored to work with the web by working alongside JavaScript.
### Not a new idea Things like this have existed in the past. For example Adobe Flash used to be pretty popular back in the day.
### What sets it apart? - Performance - Security - Portability - Language support - Open standard (W3C)
### Why should I care? RSEs could benefit from it for a variety of reasons - Greatly improves software accessibility - No need to maintain a server - Trainings and events require no participant setup
### Some interesting examples - [Pyodide](https://github.com/pyodide/pyodide) [[Demo](https://pyodide.org/en/stable/console.html)] - [JupyterLite](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite) [[Demo](https://jupyterlite.rtfd.io/en/stable/try/lab)] - [abSENSE](https://princetonuniversity.github.io/abSENSE/) - [xkcd comic](https://xkcd.com/2916/) - [WebVM](https://webvm.io/) and [WebVM with graphics](https://webvm.io/alpine.html) - [Doom 3](https://wasm.continuation-labs.com/d3demo/)
### Beyond bare metal Once you need different pieces to interface with each other, you'll need another layer that provides OS-like functionality. The two options you'll run into are Emscripten and WASI.
### Emscripten - It's a complete toolchain for WASM - Very fast moving, as it is not based on standards - Compatibility only guaranteed within a single version - Already offers a lot of functionality
### WASI - Stands for WebAssembly System Interface - It is a set of interface standards for WASM - It moves slowly and it is still pretty limited - It will be very powerful in the future
### Let's dip our toes and build a simple website with WASM
### [Example 1](https://github.com/ariostas-talks/2025-01-22-rse-group-meeting-wasm/tree/main/example1) In this simple example we make an website to compute Fibonacci numbers.
# Now let's move on to Rust!
# Now let's move on to Rust! Yes, I duped you into listening to yet another Rust talk. It was in white in the title slide.
(and Rust)
### Andres Rios Tascon RSE Group Meeting. Jan 22nd, 2025
### Rust and WASM In my opinion, Rust is the go-to language to write a WASM app. - It offers tier 2 support for `wasm32-*` targets. - Outstanding toolchain makes development very easy. - Excellent web frameworks to choose from, including: [Dioxus](https://github.com/dioxuslabs/dioxus), [egui](https://github.com/emilk/egui), [Leptos](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos), [Yew](https://github.com/yewstack/yew)
### [Example 2](https://github.com/ariostas-talks/2025-01-22-rse-group-meeting-wasm/tree/main/example2) Let's see how to replicate example 1, but now in Rust (using Leptos).
### Scaling up These previous examples are pretty trivial. I wanted to do something actually useful.
A couple months ago, Luca showed us his really nice "Path to Zero" Electricity Decarbonization Game.
A couple months ago, Luca showed us his really nice "Path to Zero" Electricity Decarbonization Game. During the hackathon that kickstarted its development, I wanted to try using Rust to build it in WASM. It was unfeasible in the given time.
A couple months ago, Luca showed us his really nice "Path to Zero" Electricity Decarbonization Game. During the hackathon that kickstarted its development, I wanted to try using Rust to build it in WASM. It was unfeasible in the given time. I made a proof of concept for this presentation.
The things that I considered key to get it working were the following. - Dataframes (not completely essential, but nice) - Linear optimizer - Plotting functionality
### [Example 3](https://github.com/ariostas-talks/2025-01-22-rse-group-meeting-wasm/tree/main/example3) Path to Zero game proof of concept.
### Conclusions - WASM seems to have a bright future
### Conclusions - WASM seems to have a bright future - It is potentially very useful for RSEs, as it greatly simplifies the sharing of software
### Conclusions - WASM seems to have a bright future - It is potentially very useful for RSEs, as it greatly simplifies the sharing of software - Rust is cool